About Us

Find Your Path

We are a client centered agency that is focused on supporting people and agencies reach their Wellness, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging goals. We operate from an Anti-Black Racism, Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppressive, Strengths Based approach. We believe that by working together we can identify the steps needed to accomplish your goals and find your path forward. 

Our Values

Our Team

Herberth C.

Herberth is an experienced policy and program development consultant. He is a part-time instructor at York University, an ASIST Trainer, and is a registered Social Work Psychotherapist. He practices from a strength based, Anti-Oppressive, and Client Informed Recovery Centered approach. 

He is also focused on working with companies to develop and strengthen their mental health and wellness practices, developing strong in-house leadership training programs, and helping agencies cultivate a workplace that is progressive, responsive, and Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIB) focused. He is currently working on projects in the Peel and Durham Area.